Men’s & Women’s Ministries


At Emmaus, we value the importance of friendship within the body. We encourage men to gather together with other men as friends in Christ. We encourage women to do likewise. We believe that society, to a large part, has replaced true friendship with pragmatic and fraudulent substitutes. Our prayer is that we would counter-culturally establish and cultivate true and meaningful friendships.

This is primarily done through self-initiation, but we do offer occasional church-wide programs to help foster connections. For example, there is an annual men’s wiffle ball game once a year, a recent women’s dinner club, men-specific and women-specific book studies, among other occasional happenings. These have historically been delightful, community- building events. They are occasional, but when they occur, they are absolutely worthwhile!

These events are posted to our “Events” page and announced in our weekly programs, so you won’t miss them. But why wait to build friendships within the body? Join a Community Group and connect with others. Invite people from the church into your home. Seek to love one another, as Christ has loved his church.